List 2020

List, Johann-Mattis. 2020. Towards a refined wordlist of German in the Intercontinental Dictionary Series. Computer-Assisted Language Comparison in Practice 3.

  author  = {List, Johann-Mattis},
  journal = {Computer-Assisted Language Comparison in Practice},
  number  = {10},
  title   = {Towards a refined wordlist of German in the Intercontinental Dictionary Series},
  url     = {},
  volume  = {3},
  year    = {2020}
  author  = {List, Johann-Mattis},
  journal = {Computer-Assisted Language Comparison in Practice},
  number  = {10},
  title   = {Towards a refined wordlist of German in the Intercontinental Dictionary Series},
  url     = {},
  volume  = {3},
  year    = {2020}
  author  = {List, Johann-Mattis},
  journal = {Computer-Assisted Language Comparison in Practice},
  number  = {10},
  title   = {Towards a refined wordlist of German in the Intercontinental Dictionary Series},
  url     = {},
  volume  = {3},
  year    = {2020}