Verheyen et al. 2020

Verheyen, Steven and De Deyne, Simon and Linsen, Sarah and Storms, Gert. 2020. Lexicosemantic, affective, and distributional norms for 1,000 Dutch adjectives. Behavior Research Methods 52. 1108–1121.

  author  = {Verheyen, Steven and De Deyne, Simon and Linsen, Sarah and Storms, Gert},
  journal = {Behavior Research Methods},
  month   = {June},
  pages   = {1108–1121},
  title   = {Lexicosemantic, affective, and distributional norms for 1,000 Dutch adjectives},
  volume  = {52},
  year    = {2020}
  author  = {Verheyen, Steven and De Deyne, Simon and Linsen, Sarah and Storms, Gert},
  journal = {Behavior Research Methods},
  month   = {June},
  pages   = {1108–1121},
  title   = {Lexicosemantic, affective, and distributional norms for 1,000 Dutch adjectives},
  volume  = {52},
  year    = {2020}
  author  = {Verheyen, Steven and De Deyne, Simon and Linsen, Sarah and Storms, Gert},
  journal = {Behavior Research Methods},
  month   = {June},
  pages   = {1108–1121},
  title   = {Lexicosemantic, affective, and distributional norms for 1,000 Dutch adjectives},
  volume  = {52},
  year    = {2020}